Montessori Links
Association Montessori Internationale AMI has a unique role as custodian of the history of the Montessori movement, maintaining the integrity of Maria Montessori’s legacy. AMI seeks to increase its capacity to serve children around the world by increasing access to AMI training and Montessori support services. AMI USA
The mission of the American Montessori Society (AMS) is to provide the leadership and resources to make Montessori a significant and enduring voice in education. AMS is a vibrant community of schools, teachers, families, and others determined to make Montessori a strong and positive force in education.
The mission of Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF) is to work with individuals, families, communities, organizations and governments to further the rights, education, and welfare of children worldwide.
The Aid to Life Initiative is founded on the idea that children develop optimally when they are brought up in an environment that supports their natural development, with an adult who understands how to connect them to positive activity and then allows them enough time to grow and develop according to their own pace and rhythm. It aims to give parents clear, simple, and straightforward advice in a format that is easy to understand and apply.
Montessori Public Policy Initiative is a collaboration of the American Montessori Society and Association Montessori International/USA. Their mission is to create a groundswell of activism through the establishment and support of grassroots advocacy coalitions, working together toward the shared goal of advancing Montessori through public consensus, shared interests, and efforts at the local, state and federal levels of public policy.
The mission of the National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector (NCMPS) is to advance Montessori education in the public sector through the support of a robust network of practitioners, researchers, parents, and leaders committed to realizing Maria Montessori’s vision of education as the great work of realizing the child’s potential. The work of NCMPS revolves around the development and dissemination of information that can advance excellent Montessori education in the public sector.
The North American Montessori Teachers Association (NAMTA) is a resource for teachers, parents and schools to expand the understanding and practice of Montessori principles. Resources for parents include print and media publications.
Montessori for Social Justice is a community of educators and parents committed to anti-bias anti-racist public and non-profit Montessori education as a vehicle for helping each child reach their full potential, providing educational equity, meaningful racial, economic, religious and special needs integration of students and families, building vibrant neighborhoods, towns and cities.
Montessori Partners Serving All Children, a program of the Montessori Center of Minnesota (MCM), was launched as an ongoing effort to demonstrate the effectiveness of Montessori education, starting in early childhood, and its viability for all income levels, all races, and all cultures.